Eco Imagination Tourism Enterprises (Pty) Ltd

Eco Imagination was established in April 2007, out of a desire to create and provide practical, implementable solutions for sustainable tourism development in Africa.

Our core value is – People and the environment matter.

Understanding the opportunities and constraints faced within tourism and conservation, our primary focus is on quality development and implementation of tourism services for sustained growth and success.

Eco Imagination co-ordinates and provides our clients with a diverse skills set to effect optimal outcomes, working with associates with a proven track record across all areas of the tourism industry, in planning and design and with a shared desire for sustainability in conservation and realistic and committed development of local communities whose heritage we are trying to protect.

We do not have all the answers, but we enjoy working with protected area management to identify and address the questions and find solutions within a challenging and complex environment.


Category Business company
Type Other
Membership type Royal Penguin
Contact person Karen Waterston / Ben van Eeden
Email address
Skype traction30

Make a donation

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Alternative 2: Donate through PayPal (amount in Euro):

Please click the Donate button and then choose your PayPal account

Alternative 3: Donate through international bank transfer

Bank details:
Cultura Sparebank
Pb. 6800, St. Olavs plass
N-0130 Oslo

Name: Linking Tourism & Conservation,
Account no.: 1254 05 95168
IBAN: NO8712540595168

Please mark payments with your name and/or email address

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  • Would you like your LT&C example/initiative to be listed on our website? Please fill in the form below.
  • Please tell us about your LT&C example/initiative and how it fits with Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C)
  • Please elaborate on the following topics:
    a) Political/management support
    b) Financial support
    c) Educational support
  • Website with more information on the LT&C example/initiative
  • Please leave your contact details so that we can get in touch with you. This information will not be displayed on our website unless you ask us to.
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