Making the case for a sustainable tourism industry – Helpful resources for tourism stakeholders during this time of crisis

As tourism has come to a halt globally, this is having fundamental effects on all of our fellow penguins and LT&C-Examples in all corners of the world. It is an economically challenging time and the crisis is putting at risk effective protected area management, especially in terms of funding crucial activities, such as anti-poaching patrols. However, it is also a time to take a step back and rethink tourism on a more strategic level and to strengthen the case for sustainable tourism.

Many great resources are appearing across the internet, many of which highlight the importance of sustainable tourism in reviving the industry and creating more resilient and innovative destinations.

We want to take a first step here to list some of the handbooks, articles, inspiring examples and innovative crisis responses that we have found. Feel free to share more resources or ways how you are dealing with the crisis via the contact form below. Now more than ever it is important to connect with fellow LT&C penguins and to work together to support, strengthen and revive those tourism examples which directly support biodiversity and the related Global Goals, as described in our recent article.


UNWTO calls for innovators and entrepreneurs to submit ideas that can help the tourism sector mitigate the impact of the pandemic and kickstart recovery efforts.  (deadline 10 April 2020):


News, stories and resources for a sustainable tourism response to the COVID-19 emergency:


A nonprofit survival guide with useful tips on leadership, how to communicate with donors and how to find savings and growth opportunities in these times of crisis:

Business advice

Article from LT&C member mascontour: Key considerations for your business in dealing with the crisis:


Sustainability Leaders conducted a survey on the impacts of the pandemic on the sustainable tourism community and which potential benefits it may bring at a systemic level:

Online get-togethers

The online travel platform Travel Massive is hosting weekly member calls for tourism professionals from around the world to discuss their response to the crisis:

Group calls

The Long Run offers weekly Corona group calls for its members to discuss marketing, booking and other relevant matters and exchange experience among members in these challenging times.

List of resources

Anna Spenceley, chair of the IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group published a list of articles and resources:

Communication videos

Many destinations have responded to the crisis by publishing (video) messages of hope and resilience, such as:


South Afrika



Do you know of any other examples or initiatives to share knowledge, hope, and support? Please let us know!

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