Peter Prokosch


Founder and Honorary President of LT&C;

Founder and Chairman of Vision 52 AS, Norway

Peter has been 2014-2022 the Chair of LT&C, and until 2014 the managing director of GRID-Arendal, a Centre collaborating with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), located in Norway. He served as CEO of WWF-Germany in Frankfurt, after he, in the 1990s, developed and led the Arctic Programme of WWF International from Oslo. In the 1970 and 80s, Peter played a pioneering role in the conservation development of the International Wadden Sea and became Head of the WWF Wadden Sea office in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. As a researcher at the University of Kiel, Peter studied biology and marine sciences. His PhD thesis focused on the ecology of arctic shore birds. Peter has tourist-enjoying-wildlife-on-hallig-langeness-brent-geese-branta-bernicla-biosphere-reserve-halligen-germany_cf16-2200x1461pxextensive experience working with the establishment and development of national parks in the Wadden Sea, the Baltic coast of Germany, Svalbard, Iceland as well as in nature reserves in Siberia and other parts of the circumpolar Arctic, often in close cooperation with tourism.



Category Individual
Type Conservation professional
Membership type Emperor Penguin - Co-founder
Contact person Peter Prokosch
Email address
Phone number +47-90254755
Skype peter.prokosch
Address Sukkereheia 4


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